Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Our Outback Adventure

Our Outback Adventure

Part II Into the Thick of it

After making our way into what I now know is Meokgeori (see below sign), Our happiness was forced to be extensively short lived. The GPS was telling us "you are five minutes away from your destination!", but on the map, it noted that it was also around the next immediate street corner. This was extremely confusing and flustering information. So many shops where everywhere, as well as tons of traffic and people, so it was a extremely distracting to our search. Trying to follow the instructions given to us was mostly hopeless. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Starting off this journey

Our Outback Adventure

Part I The Long Way 'Round

          Recently I was lucky enough to go on a trip with my handsome husband and a close friend of his to a mysteriously located Outback Steak House. Because, being in another country, you should always look for the same restaurants you could have gone to back in your home country. I say this in a facetious sort of way, but we were very excited to know that one of our favourite eateries was located in the far east. We made it top priority to hazard this trip on the following weekend.